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From the Principal's Desk

Dear children, parents and teachers,

They say that “For everything there is a season…a time to be born, and a time to die… a time to rend, a time to sew, a time to plant, a time to pluck up what is planted..” and  thus  Life continues. The experiences of the last couple of years reflect the same.

 Every season brings with it the winds of change, which we humans quickly embrace.

Being Adaptive is a New Age skill that we all had to embrace, for it is only the strongest and the fittest that survive. 

The Pandemic, left behind in its trail endless ideas, thoughts, discoveries, and numerous other disruptions– that had perhaps existed, but we had never consciously or collectively attempted to make these changes. However, Nature as always, had the last say. The unusual circumstances finally forced us to incorporate these changes.

In the classrooms, emerged a new breed of learners with very high Tech-IQ, disinterested in the regular and mundane bookish learning, with short attention spans as they were not used to doing one thing at a time, and afflicted with Covid fatigue! 

 In the staff rooms, the teachers were looking at new ways to solve problems. The entire teacher fraternity raced to master the new ideas thrown in by the NEP, by reskilling themselves, re-structuring methodologies. ‘Hybrid teaching’ is now, the new buzz word! World over, schools and colleges have adopted this system. “Rain holidays” have ceased to exist as schools turn to online classes to ensure that the number of working days is not lost! Homework, assignments, solutions to question papers, notices, circulars, forms, are posted on different applications that are accessible on the smart phones, and some are conveyed through Google classroom platform. Working and busy parents find it convenient to attend zoom meetings! It saves time and energy.

While the world of Technology bloomed, ed tech companies mushroomed, we immersed ourselves in machines—without realizing that we have gradually become insular, inward-looking, and isolated, –shunning society and dissociating ourselves from it. The virtual and the real worlds have merged!   Cyber fraud, Cyber bullying, gadget -addiction, are some of the new malaises that have replaced the old ones!

Man is a social animal. It is ironic and while we are completely clued into and connected with the world outside, we are indeed lonely within, and unable handle our emotions, control our actions and thoughts . There is an urgent need to reconnect with our inner selves, be mindful and sensitive to the needs and difficulties of others  if we are to evolve and as a society. Compassion, Kindness and Empathy are attributes that must be given top priority.

Scientific discoveries and technical advancements will continue to happen. Using knowledge for what only enriches and enhances our lives, is what we need to lean towards.

The winds of Change will continue to blow, as intelligent creatures we must embrace these– or we will perish. But adapting for the better, adapting to evolve must be done after thinking things over with not just the mind—but also with the heart!  


Mrs. Damayanti Bhattacharya

Principal – Jasudben ML School and Bloomingdales Pre-Primary

Parents Speak

Parents are an invaluable and integral part of our community at the best ICSE School in Khar, Mumbai, right from playschool all the way to higher secondary school.

They are our partners in teaching-learning not only as resource persons for special occasions but also in ensuring the success of our online classes during the unprecedented time of the pandemic.

We strongly believe that JML School is one of the top ICSE schools today, by virtue of the strong support from our parent community. This is an invaluable partnership that contributes to the making of a trusted institution based on the rock-solid foundation of values and tradition


Vidya Sheelen Shobhate

Knowledge is Adorned by Character

We shape the character of our students through holistic education where traditional values of personal integrity, trust, mutual respect, and compassion ensure that each student leaving our institution is a socially responsible and environmentally conscious global citizen.

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