Literary Arts

Kid Lit Fest


Peek-A-Book’s Kid Lit Fest celebrated children’s literature, promoting reading and a love for books. Renowned authors like Jerry Pinto, Nandita DaCunha, Lubaina Bandukwala, Lavanya Karthik, Malika Ravikumar, and Imtiaz Anees inspired children by sharing their book inspirations. The fest offered a unique opportunity for kids to engage with their favorite authors and learn about writing and publishing. Amar Chitra Katha’s team also inspired middle schoolers to create comics, while students participated in a Quiz competition, adding to the excitement!


School Magazine

Vibrations is an annual publication where students contribute articles on a variety of topics in the languages that are taught at the school.

The first edition of Vibrations was published in the academic year 1995-1996.

Book Lovers


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

Book Lovers 2020 was an online event.

Here are some delightful videos of the  event.

Admissions for ISC 2025-27 OPEN