City school marks World Earth Day by organising best-out-of-waste activities

It was World Earth Day on April 22. The theme for this year was ‘Invest In our Planet’ putting the focus on sustainability and the need to protect the environment. While several organisations swung into action for the day, the students of Jasudben ML School (JML), also marked the day and the special cause that it stands for. The school celebrated Earth Day 2022 by organising best-out-of-waste activities. They also held a career fair and a workshop in collaboration with Drishti, India’s leading mental health organisation for children.

Getting creative to make a point

The school’s pre-primary students at Bloomingdales celebrated Earth Day as the birthday of AWE (Air, Water and Earth) which is the pre-primary mascot. During this, they created placards at home about conservation of earth, water and soil. And back at school, the students along with their teachers, took these placards to those in the higher grade classes, so as to spread their messages. Primary school teachers also performed a puppet show while the children participated in social awareness activities like creating a compost bin, using waste material to make best out of waste items and making bird feeders.

This was just part of the educative fun. As part of the activity, a no-bag day was celebrated and instead, every student brought a sapling to school with their names written on it. Since cleanliness is a big part of this, a ‘clean your classrooms’ initiative saw students collect trash and clean up their classrooms using cloths. No lunch wastage took place on this day and many of the students who lived nearby took part in a carpool activity while others walked or bicycled to school.

It is critical to teach children about their responsibility towards the environment: Principal Damayanti Bhattacharya

Speaking at the occasion, Damayanti Bhattacharya, Principal of Jasudben ML School, said, “We believe in developing well-rounded, responsible citizens of the world. It is thus critical to teach children about their responsibility towards the environment. We all know that natural resources are depleting at an alarming rate. We must protect it for future generations. Activities like our Earth Day exercise will aid in building a unique skill set in students. Not only will it increase their awareness of social and environmental issues, but also boost creative, ingenious thinking, make them resourceful adults, and minimise wastage.”

This article appeared in Times Of India, online edition on 24th April 2022 –

Bombay Times online edition on 24th April 2022 –

Hans India online edition on 25th April 2022 –

Hans India print edition, page 9 on 25th April 2022

Brainfeed Magazine online edition on 25th April 2022 –

India Education Diary online edition on 23rd April 2022 –

Mumbai News Network online edition on 23rd April 2022 –

APN News online edition on 23rd April 2022 –

FM Live online edition on 23rd April 2022 –

Vuurwerk online edition on 23rd April 2022 –

Techy Insight online edition on 24th April 2022 –

Techy News Guide online edition on 24th April 2022 –

Vishwadha News online edition on 24th April 2022 –

Newz Site online edition on 25th April 2022 –

Bold Outline Magazine online edition on 25th April 2022 –

Lifestyles of Mumbai on 23rd April 2022 online edition –

Lifestyles of Mumbai, Facebook page on 24th April 2022 –

Mumbai Bloggers, Facebook page on 24th April 2022 –

Skill Outlook online edition on 23rd April 2022 –



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