On The Occasion Of The 73rd Republic Day, Jasudben ML School Organized A Plantation Campaign To Encourage Students To Connect With Nature

National holidays are always celebrated with pride and gusto in every corner of the country. This year, in a bid to commemorate the occasion of 73rd Republic Day in a more meaningful way, the teachers and students of Mumbai’s premier ICSE school—Jasudben ML School (JML)—in Khar undertook the cause of sapling plantation on 26th January 2022.

Through the sapling plantation drive, JML school endeavored to foster care and attention amongst all their students towards the motherland. During the assembly, the student’s pledge is to be committed to creating and maintaining strict and sustainable environmental standards. The environment pledge that students recite everyday “I pledge to improve the environment of my home, my school and my neighborhood. For this I will plant and look after trees. I will not waste water. I will switch off lights and fans when not in use. I will not waste paper. I will not use plastic, and I will learn more about the environment so that I can help to improve it” teaches them the importance of keeping the country green and beautiful—starting with their surroundings. Furthermore, as a part of the school’s mindful environmental programme, the activity also aimed to nurture a sense of belonging with nature amongst the students.

The twenty students, escorted by their teachers and with the substantial support of the BMC (Brihanmumbai Mahanagar Corporation), planted flowering plants that will adorn a path in Rajesh Khanna Garden. A local corporator facilitated this programme for the school.

Mrs Damayanti Bhattacharya, the Principal of Jasudben ML School, said, “I believe that it is the duty of an educational institution to instill amongst its students a sense of responsibility towards their country and the environment at large. Keeping this in mind, we organized that sapling plantation programme with the support of local corporator to achieve both these goals on the occasion of an important day like Republic Day. While it was both a fun and learning experience for students, it was wonderful to see them contribute to a good cause.”

The plantation programme was organized adhering to the necessary safety norms and precautions like mandatory wearing of masks and maintaining social distancing.

This article appeared in India Education Diary on  27th January 2022 –  https://bit.ly/3IEEk68

APN News online portal on 28th January 2022 –  https://bit.ly/3rakQ3K

FM Live online portal on 28th January 2022 –  https://bit.ly/3G5vMUh

Skill Outlook online portal on 28th January –  2022 https://bit.ly/3AKuRYh

FM Live online portal on 1st February 2022 –  https://bit.ly/3G5vMUh



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